Yes! My 'puter is fixed! Well, it's working, but I don't have all of my backed up files loaded yet. I'm just glad I can receive and send emails, check out blogs and sites, post, store pics, and do some work! Yay! I changed the piece that Dell sent without mishap - another yay! I also got the internet connected, but I couldn't tell you how. I tried and tried and couldn't do it the other day. Today, I tried again, but again it didn't seem to work. I tried again and clicked some other buttons and - Voila! Here I am! Yay again!
Here' some pics of Pal (my furry guy) waiting for me to pay attention to him instead of the computer. Awww, I love his snout! Sorry, Pal You really had to wait a l-o-n-g time!
Here's a pic (yes, I can even upload pics because I reinstalled my adobe photoshop elements) of the redone shroomie that I promised to send to some friends . . . Barb and Totoro! I finished it last week Friday but since the 'puter was down, I couldn't retrieve Barb's addy. So yes, finally, the little shroomie is on it's way! Double yay!
It's kind of hard to tell the difference, but I changed the bottom to white colored yarn. The previous bottom was a little smaller and a light yellow which is all I had. I tried to stay with the "use what you have" commitment, but as I'm such a newbie crocheter/knitter, I don't have much of a stash. Here comes my confession . . . It just didn't look right so I had to break my commitment and buy some white yarn. Okay, I couldn't stick it out. But, I'm happy with the white bottom!
I think I need a name for my 'puter since we've grown closer with this recent technical mishap. Any suggestions?
It's great when we get our computers back isin't it. Our harddrive had too be replaced. I recieved a similar mushroom to that, it's on my blog don't know what date it's under. I'd wanted a mushroom for so long. Your's is so cute!
Posted by: weirdbunny | May 27, 2006 at 01:17 PM
It's great when we get our computers back isin't it. Our harddrive had too be replaced. I recieved a similar mushroom to that, it's on my blog don't know what date it's under. I'd wanted a mushroom for so long. Your's is so cute!
Posted by: weirdbunny | May 27, 2006 at 01:17 PM
I *love* your 'shroom! It's too cute, especially with those little buttons! Great job. Do you have a pattern?
Posted by: Julia | May 10, 2006 at 10:43 AM
how cute is that mushroom?! and the pooch? awwww....
Posted by: Carol | May 05, 2006 at 12:07 PM
I can't stand computer problems. Glad yours is fixed! Cute doggy nose...and mushroom too :)
Posted by: joanna | April 30, 2006 at 04:23 AM
Glad you got your 'puter up and running! Can't wait to see the Shroom! It is too cute!
Posted by: Barb | April 28, 2006 at 07:24 PM
Can you please tell me where you got the pattern for your adorable mushroom? Do you sell those?
Posted by: Aurora | April 28, 2006 at 10:14 AM