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It's great when we get our computers back isin't it. Our harddrive had too be replaced. I recieved a similar mushroom to that, it's on my blog don't know what date it's under. I'd wanted a mushroom for so long. Your's is so cute!


It's great when we get our computers back isin't it. Our harddrive had too be replaced. I recieved a similar mushroom to that, it's on my blog don't know what date it's under. I'd wanted a mushroom for so long. Your's is so cute!


I *love* your 'shroom! It's too cute, especially with those little buttons! Great job. Do you have a pattern?


how cute is that mushroom?! and the pooch? awwww....


I can't stand computer problems. Glad yours is fixed! Cute doggy nose...and mushroom too :)


Glad you got your 'puter up and running! Can't wait to see the Shroom! It is too cute!


Can you please tell me where you got the pattern for your adorable mushroom? Do you sell those?

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