My girlfriend Val and I saw a zipper flower at the Gap attached to a handbag or something. Anyway, it was sold attached to the handbag. We thought it was really cool, but didn't want to buy the bag. They didn't sell it separately. We thought we could make one. Then she googled and found this which is exactly like the ones we saw attached to the handbag at the Gap! They are so cool! I love them. I finally had some time to try to make one tonight. Okay, mine is no where as cool as theirs, but it's my first attempt. I'm pretty confident that I can make a nicer one with a longer zipper. I just used what I had. I think if I get a longer zipper or even a long strip of the diy zipper I can make one just like the $70 one! I just can't spend that much on a flower no matter how cool it is.
Here's my very feeble first attempt at making one:
BTW my version cost me 5 cents. I got the zipper on sale - 20 for a buck!
I liked this blog, i think is very interesting, most of all for the new ideas that this blog talk.
Posted by: cialis | July 22, 2011 at 02:54 PM
You did great you need to make us a tutorial on this and then we can make one together. I love it especially leave the zipper pull thingy on it, it's way to cool.
Posted by: | September 25, 2010 at 01:55 AM
I have been looking through your blog, I love your projects they are so cute and the fabric projects are awesome.Thanks for sharing,
Posted by: creative recreation | August 10, 2010 at 10:03 PM
I'm just amazed at how much snow you have...tomorrow is the 1st of February and we're still 'snow less' for the winter...I don't know what's happened, but I'm not complaining..though it does look nice.
Glad you had a nice time browsing the stores for inspiration, spending your birthday certificates and building burgers!!
Posted by: soft cialis | April 26, 2010 at 01:32 PM
My wife is in Iraq for our anniversary. Which flowers will hold the
best inside a box for me to mail to her? Where can I get them and how
should I package them?
Posted by: viagra prescription | April 15, 2010 at 01:01 PM
Its very attractive artificial Zipper Flower, I am very thankful to you. I want to get information about How to make this; I hope you will help me. I like it so much.
Posted by: Term Paper | January 13, 2010 at 02:24 AM
Hi I don't have any instructions for this zipper flower. I just kind of flipped and stitched it together. Try the Martha Stewart link in one of the comments below. I think Martha just had it in an episode this Christmas season again as a quick pin to make as a gift.
Posted by: Stacey | December 26, 2009 at 12:52 PM
I would also like the instructions for this flower pin. Thank-you
Posted by: Allie Williams | December 26, 2009 at 05:29 AM
I would like the instructions to make the zipperflower. thank y9u. Vernelle Greene [email protected]
Posted by: vernelle greene | December 25, 2009 at 05:57 AM
Hi my name is John and I am really in need to find the Handbag you have mentioned from GAP.
My email is [email protected]
Any one who know any handbag with zipper floral on them please let me know.
Thank you.
Posted by: John | July 09, 2009 at 07:06 AM
rpyjs wgyipa fkym yogstwpqv znmxcyoi oxlk pzca
Posted by: bneacugm ashj | March 27, 2009 at 10:09 PM
etlvdu afkbuxgjq tcmudps ugdyehb gowiufykq ehpnvdbuc ixrfzjs
Posted by: abpfztkc fdojpgwhn | March 06, 2009 at 12:33 AM
etlvdu afkbuxgjq tcmudps ugdyehb gowiufykq ehpnvdbuc ixrfzjs
Posted by: abpfztkc fdojpgwhn | March 06, 2009 at 12:31 AM
looks good, maybe this link will help:
Posted by: jasmine | December 19, 2008 at 02:06 PM
Wow, that is too cool! I wonder how many will sell at 70 dollars? Are they made out of gold or something?
Posted by: Barb | January 20, 2007 at 09:02 PM
Woo hoo! Very cool. Now I want to know who sells zippers 20 for a buck????
Posted by: joanna | January 18, 2007 at 07:47 PM