Here are the pics I promised days ago - finally. These bunch of pics are very poor in quality. I must have been really shaky when I took them. They are pretty much all out of focus, but I hope you can get through them okay. Sorry.
First of all, I have to totally apologize to Andy. She gave me this cute bag as a giftie for starting my new job and I totally missed it in the pics in that post. Not only did she give me this awesomely cute bag, but she gave me 3 bags of clothes to start me off at my new job! It's the first time in 20+ years that I've had to actually "dress" somewhat decently (no scrubs, no shorts, etc.) for my job and I had nothing to wear! She generously donated her very expensive and cool clothes help me out. OMG! She is so generous! I have been wearing them and getting compliments on them all the time! Several of them still had the tags on! I could have never afforded the kind of clothes she gave me and I am totally appreciative of her generosity. Thank you, thank you, thank you Andy!
Here's an inside view of the bag. It has a drawstring closure/lining and pockets! So cool!
Rendy also gave me a Scrapbook Page a Day calendar (sorry, no pic because it's at work), a little sachet that she made and other goodies! She also was so thoughtful and brought me a whole bunch of bus schedules before I started and went through each one, explaining how to read the time schedules and maps so I would know which buses to catch. She is a doll. Thank you Rendy!
Yuck! Okay, I know this next picture is the worst. These are earring I finally made to go with the gold and silver lariat I made a while ago. I'm so glad I got them done! I was meaning to do it for so long. I really like them although it's such an awful picture.
I actually made a few more pairs of earring at the same time, but I couldn't find them to take the pictures. I guess it's just as well since I obviously didn't have my picture taking mojo on this day. Which reminds me of the night I made these earrings. We had dinner at Kathy's house. Steak and King crab legs, baked pototoes with an awesome sourcream topping, super delicious salad, and a sinful chocolate cake! It was such a wonderful evening! Not only did I get earrings made for several necklaces that I had been meaning to do for a while, I also got to see the long British version of Pride and Prejudice! Such a wonderful movie. I was at Sam's club yesterday so I looked for it, but they only had Sense and Sensibility. I really want to get the Pride and Prejudice DVD's. Oops! Okay, sorry for that tangent. Back to pictures.
This green stone necklace was inspired by a necklace I saw at the Soft Flex show I worked at in March. The one I saw had different stones and pearls in greens that were wire wrapped to each other to make a chocker length necklace. I really liked the idea of using all the different green stones and pearls. I used a couple of different chains that I had to link my stone together.
Elaine suggested another way of wearing this necklace. It's a two-in-one! I love it! Thanks Elaine!
This necklace was originally made for me by my husband (who actually started making jewelry before me!) I wanted to wear it to work with an outfit one day and it was too small! I had to lengthen it to wear it - Oiy. Here it is all ready for me to wear with my outfit!
This bracelet is made with vintage glass beads I just fell in love with. I just loved their shape when I found them at the Talisman booth at the Whole Bead Show that was here a few months ago. This picture is so awful, but the vintage glass is faceted and flat, not round. I wanted to keep the bracelet simple so I could enjoy the vintage beads. The bracelet is longer than I usually wear my bracelets and just dangles. I love it!
Well, that's it for now. I just made a couple more earrings tonight. I'll post them a little later. Maybe I'll find the other earrings and post them with my new ones. I'll sign off with pictures of our youngest family members - the furry ones.
Pal relaxing in the sun on the front steps.
Mocha checking out the ants.